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Mr. Best, Mr. Awesome and Mr. Nothing

And finally the session 2016 - 17 ends with March...
Most of the Students that have just appeared for 10th and 12th are going to face a tuff time deciding on what they want and what they must opt...
Questions from relatives and so called well-wishers are going to be bombarded on them...
Especially for the 10th appeared ones...

"What are you going to do now?"
"Have you got any planning for career?"
"Which Subject?"
"Which place to go next?"
"Coaching and tuitions?" Etc. Etc...

And when the student shares his/her views, then another scene is created.

"Why did you choose this?"
"Look at his son, he's nothing with this subject!"
"I know many who have done so and so and I suggest you must do that!"
"Why don't you choose This field?"
"What's wrong with your choice?"
"Get serious now you've grown up!" Etc. Etc.

I don't understand, that if these people have to load their suggestions and confuse the child, then why do these parents ask the views of the kid?
Just push him/her in the bullshit that you expected....
As the Indian relatives feel they've got the full right on ruining the kid's childhood, creativity, mind, life, etc...

If Their is a kid who studies all the time, scores best, and the relatives get to hear good in the society, they make him the Mr. Best.
Without even bothering about what the kid wanted, what he desires, whether he's happy or not, whether he really loves and feels heartly fine with the pressure or not...

And if a kid is doing everything he loves to do, everything that his heart desires, yet scores good but just because some bloody relatives say that he's deviating the parents put him under pressure and this Mr. Awesome starts feeling that wish he would have been like that Mr. Best...

Due to this pressure, this dissatisfaction of the parents, this pinning of the relatives, and society, he tries to push himself in the direction of Mr. Best killing his feelings but finally ends up becoming Mr. Nobody...

Why??? Why kill a childhood just because the society feels it is wrong...?
What the hell is this society?
This society is so backward that they accept to pay thousands for a concerts of a renowned artist and they would go and waste time and energy just to see someone on screen. But when their kid wants to become one of that kind, that field becomes rubbish for them...
Then why listen to such a society that itself doesn't know what it likes and dislikes???

It is a request to parents to listen to the kid, what he/she wants... This gift of life is given to us to live with happiness...
What would you do with the money and position when he/she would have a dissatisfaction in mind finally that "Once they had a dream to do so, but couldn't do it, because my family didnot support me"...

It is my request to students, listen to your heart, but yes... Do choose a satisfactory dream too, that would give your parents a good name and satisfaction further.
And Don't get frustrated by what the society loads on you...
It is your life, you will have to take the pain and pleasure of it so make a good choice...

It is my request to the Society... Please SHUT UP and let the students live in peace... Kindly mind your own business...
Every kid is different, every kid has different potential...

Live awesome...
Life is meant to be lived...
Live happy...
All the best to the students for their bright future...


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